Senin, 14 Desember 2009

I'd rather dance with you than talk with you...

"I'd Rather Dance With You"

I'd rather dance with you
than talk with you,
so why don't we just move into the other room.
There's space for us to shake,
and 'hey, I like this tune'.

Even if I could hear what you said,
I doubt my reply would be interesting
for you to hear.
Because I haven't read a single book all year,
and the only film I saw,
I didn't like it at all.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

The music's too loud
and the noise from the crowd
increases the chance of misinterpretation.
So let your hips do the talking.
I'll make you laugh by acting like the guy who sings,
and you'll make me smile by really Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

by, King Of Convenience.

i'd rather dance with you than talk with you....
because i can't talk if you around...
even its just two of us...
in the room...
in the elevator...
i cant see your eyes directly....
but i can't stop hoping that there's only two of us in that room....
even if we just sit... or talk with our back.. or anything...
without talking.....

i don't know why i become like this..
would you like to dance with me....?

(*anjrittt banyak kali nih pikiranku...... bawaannya jadi pengen nge-blog aja....... guys.... KAPAN KITA LIBURANNN????????)

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ouh ouh ouh.. my brother's falling in love niiy.. cihuy!

jangan lupa ya makan2.. and hey.. sedikit agrsif doong jadi cowo.. xDDD

iseng2 mampir ke luthfi's lair.. eh ternyata udah ada 3 update-an baru setelah sekian lama.
well blogging beneran bisa meringankan pikiran loh bang..

di tengah suasana hectic kerja, kita bisa berpikir kata2 apa yang cocok digunakan untuk menyampaikan pikiran kita, terus.. bisa juga senyum2 kecil mengingat kejadian yang akan kita tulis, dan the fun of ticking the keyboard itu looh.. hehe semuanya berkombinasi jadi satu, FUN!

so, happy blogging!

Luthfi mengatakan...

Heheh ga gitu la pri..

BTW apri dah kerja ya rupanya? selamat ya. di tunggu nih makan2nya. ;p